Requests for information by solicitors
How to request information
All solicitor requests for information should be made in writing to:
Post: Subject Access Request team, East of England Ambulance Service, Hammond Road, Bedford, MK41 0RG
Solicitor requests can be made under the Data Protection Act 2018 or the Access to Health Records Act 1990.
Please note that we locate 999 incidents by date, time and full/exact location. We cannot search by patient name or details.
Solicitor requests for information must include:
- a consent form (form of authority) completed by the patient
- the form of authority, which must state that the information can be released and it must be addressed to the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) and state the information which the solicitor is requesting
- the time, date and exact location of the incident
- the patients name
- your clients name
- what you are requesting e.g. patient care record, computer aided dispatch record, crew statements.
Please note that participation of the interview / questionnaire is at the individual member of staffs discretion. The staff members availability is subject to operational pressures and all interviews will be conducted at the staffs base station.