Useful tips when making a complaint
In complaints investigations, it is very important that we have as much information as possible, as this will help make sure that your complaint is answered fully.
It would therefore be helpful if in your letter you include:
- the date
- your name
- your address - including your postcode
- your telephone number
- patient’s name - if you are complaining on someone else's behalf (if this is the case, you may be asked to complete a consent form)
- where the incident you are complaining about took place
- date of incident
- full details of complaint (please give as much information as you can, e.g. if you are complaining about a member of staff, please give their name and position, if known)
- what you have already done about your complaint, if anything?
- what you want to happen as a result of your complaint?
What will happen to your complaint?
We aim to acknowledge your complaint in writing within three working days of its receipt.
We will ensure that your complaint is fully investigated and every effort will be made to resolve matters as promptly as possible.
We will aim to provide you with a full written response from the Executive Team within 65 working days.
When it is not possible to meet the agreed timescale we will ensure that you are kept informed as to the status of your complaint. In some instances, (for example where your complaint may be complex or relate to a number of services or departments) it may be necessary to request an extension to the timescale in order to genuinely support the further investigation of your complaint.
If the investigation shows that the Trust has failed in some way, we will look at our practices to try to stop it happening again. It is our policy to investigate complaints in an open, honest and transparent manner and we will also offer a full apology where appropriate.
Benefits of complaints
Please do not worry about making a complaint. Your complaint may highlight shortcomings, which can be put right – so improving things for other patients.
Making a complaint will not affect how you are treated and complaints letters and records are not filed in your healthcare records.