NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) and NHS Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) Data Reports - May 2024
Meeting: Trust Board – Public Meeting
Date: 08.05.2024
Report Title: NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) and NHS Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) Data Reports
Agenda Item: PUB24/05/5.2
Authors: Amanda Marsh and Tiffani Galicza – EDI Advisors
Lead Director: Dr Hein Scheffer – Director of Strategy, Culture and Education
Purpose: Information noting
Assurance: Reasonable
Link to strategic risk(s):
- SR1a: If we do not ensure our people are safe and their wellbeing prioritised, there is a risk that we will be unable to attract, retain and keep all our people safe and well
- SR1b: If we do not ensure our leaders are developed and equipped, there is a risk that we will not be able to change our culture, and value, support, develop and grow our people
- SR5: If we do not clearly define our strategic plans, we will not have the agility to deliver the suite of improvements needed
- SR6: If we do not deliver sustainable regulatory compliance and develop positive relationships, we will have limited ability to deliver our strategy
Link to Strategic Objective(s):
- Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn
- Provide outstanding quality of care and performance
- Be excellent collaborators and innovators as system partners
- Be an environmentally and financially sustainable organisation
Link to CQC domain:
- Caring
- Well-led
Equality impact assessment: Negative impact identified:
- Disability
- Race
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Trust Board notes the data within the 2023-24 WDES and WRES workforce reports. The data will be uploaded onto the NHS England Data Collection Framework.
Previously considered by: Strategy Culture and Education Group (SCE): 02 May 2024; ELT: 07 May 2024; To be presented to People Committee: 15 May 2024
Purpose: To ensure that the Trust is compliant with the WRES and WDES Standards which support EEAST in meeting its Public Sector General and Specific Equality Duty. This also forms part of the funding agreement with NHS England. The report also highlights the areas where the Trust has demonstrated improvements and reductions in performance, as highlighted in Appendix 1.
Executive Summary:
The data is presented for information only. EEAST is required to meet the deadlines set by NHS Egland as follows:
- Upload the workforce data for the relevant WDES and WRES metrics and indicators by 31 May 2024 (to the NHS Data Collection Framework).
- Review the WDES and WRES data and closedown the 2023-24 action plans. Data for this task was sourced from ESR, TRAC and the relevant sections of the NHS Staff Survey 2023.
Please see separate reports in the following Appendices:
- Appendix 1 – WRES and WDES Headlines
- Appendix 2 – WDES Data Report
- Appendix 3 – WRES Data Report
Introduction / Background:
This report provides the Trust with quantitative and qualitative data detailing the differences between disabled and non-disabled staff and BME and White Staff for the previous and current reporting year.
The Trust commissioned McKenzie LLP to carry out further independent surveys with BME and Disabled staff to capture the experience of employees working for EEAST.
These results and data are collected from ESR, TRAC and NHS staff surveys and provided to the EDI team by the People Services Informatics team. The data was analysed, resulting in identifying five key areas for both the WRES and WDES to focus on through the development of objectives for the 2023-24 WDES and WRES action plans.
Throughout the reporting year, progress against these objectives was monitored and the action plans updated accordingly.
On receipt of the workforce data, as of 31 March 2024, the action plans were closed down after analysing the workforce data, documenting where our targets of improvement had been met and not met. This analysis also captured the objectives that had been completed in the reporting year.
Analysis of the data is presented in Appendices 2 and 3 (WDES and WRES data reports) which set out EEAST’s current position compared to 2022-23 data.
Appendix 1. highlights the key areas of improvement and those that have shown a reduction in performance.
It is important to note that some areas have shown improvement that cannot be attributed to the objectives of the action plan.
Key Issues / Risks:
Compliance Issues and Risks
Uploading of the WDES and WRES data is a legal requirement for all NHS funded organisations to comply with by 31 May 2024. Failing to comply will result in a serious breach of the standard and funding agreement with NHS England. As non-compliance of these deadlines is reported, there is a potential impact on EEAST’s credibility across ICS’s and ICB’s and nationally if we fail to meet these.
Data Analysis Issues and Risks
Within the WDES and WRES data reports (Appendices 2 and 3), there are tables demonstrating the % change for each of the metrics and indicators. The reports show the degree of improvements against the metrics and indicators. In some areas the % change has been relatively significant and in others, this change has been very small. The analysis in the reports also shows areas of poorer performance where the experiences of staff have deteriorated.
The data is presented to the Public Board for information only.
Next steps
The EDI team will complete the data upload requirement. The next stage will be to develop the WDES and WRES 2024-25 action plans as a result of the data,received in order to improve staff experience. These draft action plans will be shared with the DSN and BME networks to obtain feedback before finalisation. Once finalised and approved, the actions will be incorporated into the EDI Inclusivity Plan.
Appendix 1: WRES and WDES headlines (2023/2024)
WRES two years in review
Where did we improve most in 2023/24?
Most improved scores | Org 2024 | Org 2023 |
*Indicator 6 – Percentage of BME staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse for staff in the last 12 months. | 33% | 37.30% |
Indicator 7- % of staff believing that Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. | 45.40% | 30.60% |
Indicator 8 – Percentage of BME staff personally experiencing discrimination at work from either their Manager or Team. | 16.90% | 23.90% |
Where did we see least improvement?
Most improved scores | Org 2023 | Org 2022 |
*Indicator 6 – Percentage of BME staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse for staff in the last 12 months. | 37.30% | 38.50% |
Indicator 7- % of staff believing that Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. | 30.60% | 22.20% |
Indicator 8 – Percentage of BME staff personally experiencing discrimination at work from either their Manager or Team. | 23.90% | 34.90% |
Where did we improve most in 2022/23
Most improved scores | Org 2023 | Org 2022 |
*Indicator 6 – Percentage of BME staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse for staff in the last 12 months. | 37.30% | 38.50% |
Indicator 7- % of staff believing that Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. | 30.60% | 22.20% |
Indicator 8 – Percentage of BME staff personally experiencing discrimination at work from either their Manager or Team. | 23.90% | 34.90% |
Where did we see a reduction in performance?
Most declined scores | Org 2023 | Org 2022 |
Indicator 1- & of BME staff in Bands 8 - VSM | 4.31% | 5.56% |
Indicator 2 – relative likelihood of white applicants being appointed from shortlisting compared to BME applicants | 2.26 times greater | 1.62 times greater |
*Indicator 5- % of staff experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/ services users, public. | 36.60% | 34.30% |
WDES two years in review
Where did we improve most in 2023/24?
Most improved scores | Org 2024 | Org 2023 |
METRIC 7 - Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff saying they are satisfied with the extent their organisation values their work. | 23.70% | 18.30% |
METRIC 8 -Percentage of disabled staff saying their employer has made adequate adjustment to enable them to carry out their work. | 67.40% | 59.50% |
METRIC 5 -Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff believing that the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. | 42% | 32.3 |
Where did we see a reduction in performance?
Most declined scores | Org 2024 | Org 2023 |
*METRIC 2 -Relative likelihood of non-disabled candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to disabled candidates. | 1.04 times greater | 0.98 times greater |
*METRIC 4A -Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from other colleagues | 33.40% | 31.10% |
*METRIC 3 -Relative likelihood of disabled staff compared to nondisabled staff entering the formal capability process. | 4.09 times greater | 6.17 times greater |
Where did we improve most in 2022/23?
Most improved scores | Org 2023 | Org 2022 |
*METRIC 4A - Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from managers | 25.90% | 32.80% |
METRIC 8 -Percentage of disabled staff saying their employer has made adequate adjustment to enable them to carry out their work. | 59.50% | 54.70% |
METRIC 6 -Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff saying they have felt pressure from their manager to come to work, despite not feeling well enough to perform their duties. | 48.60% | 42.30% |
Where did we see a reduction in performance?
Most declined scores | Org 2023 | Org 2022 |
*METRIC 2 -Relative likelihood of non-disabled candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to disabled candidates. | 0.98 times greater | 0.95 times greater |
*METRIC 3 -Relative likelihood of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff entering the formal capability process. | 2.94 times greater | 6.17 times greater |
*METRIC 4A - Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients. | 49.0% | 48.3% |
Date of report: month/year: April 2024
Name and title of Board lead for the Workforce Disability Equality Standard: Dr Hein Scheffer Director of Strategy, Culture & Education
Name and contact details of lead manager compiling this report: Tiffani Galicza EDI Advisor
1. Background narrative
a. Any issues of completeness of data.
The main issue identified in completing the data analyses and report was the short timescale given by NHSE. The timescales are challenging to produce and populate reports which need to be approved by the relevant committees. We have also not received the Technical Guidance or Resources as set out in correspondence in February 2024.
b. Any matters relating to reliability of comparisons with previous years.
Compared to last year, there are several areas that have progressed upwards or declined downwards. These have been reflected in the update report, whilst the key headlines are captured in Appendix 1.
c. Headlines from the WDES report for 2023/2024
See Appendix 1.
2. Total numbers of staff (as at 31st March 2024)
a. Employed within this organisation at the date of the report.
b. Proportion of Disabled staff employed within this organisation at the date of the report.
455 Employees – 7.12% of EEAST workforce have shared their disability status.
c. Have any steps been taken in the last reporting period to improve the level of self-reporting Disability?
As of March 2024, 24.94% (1591) of staff have not yet declared their disability. This has slightly reduced from 30.13% (1770) The Trust continues to promote and encourage all of our people to update their ESR with their disability data and a working group has been set up to focus on improving ESR updates and overall reporting.
d. Are any steps planned during the current reporting period to improve the level of self-reporting disability?
A working group has been set up this year to focus on improving ESR updates and overall reporting and to develop guidance on how to do so.
3. Workforce data
a. What period does the organisation’s workforce data refer to?
The reporting is in line with regulatory requires, for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
WDESMETRIC | Objective | 2022/23 data | 2023/24 data | Arrows to indicate change | |
1 | Percentage of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce. KPI NOT SET | All staff | 5.92% | 7.13% | 1.21 increase |
2 | Relative likelihood of non-disabled candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to disabled candidates. TARGET NOT MET | 0.98 times greater | 1.04 times greater | 0.06% increase | |
3 | Relative likelihood of disabled staff compared to nondisabled staff entering the formal capability process. TARGET NOT MET | 6.17 times greater | 4.09 times greater | 1.98 decrease | |
4A | Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from: | I. Patients From: 48.3% to 45.7% TARGET NOT MET | 49.00% | 48.70% | 0.3% decrease |
II. Managers from: 25.9%-20% TARGET NOT MET | 25.90% | 25.20% | 0.7% decrease | ||
III.Other Colleagues from: 31.1% to 29% TARGET NOT MET | 31.10% | 33.40% | 2.3% increase | ||
4B | Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled saying that the last time they experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work, they or a colleague reported it. | To increase Reporting From 49.9% to 51.5% TARGET NOT MET | 49.90% | 48.50% | 1.4% decrease |
5 | Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff believing that the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. | KPI NOT SET | 32.30% | 42.00% | 9.7% increase |
6 | Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff saying they have felt pressure from their manager to come to work, despite not feeling well enough to perform their duties. | KPI NOT SET | 42.30% | 40.20% | 2.1% decrease |
7 | Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff saying they are satisfied with the extent their organisation values their work. KPI NOT SET | 18.30% | 23.7 | 5.4% increase | |
8 | Percentage of disabled staff saying their employer has made adequate adjustment to enable them to carry out their work. | To increase reasonable adjustments for disabled staff from 59.5% to 65% TARGET MET & EXCEED | 59.50% | 67.40% | 7.9% increase |
9a | Staff engagement score for disabled staff compared to nondisabled staff. Overall engagement score = 5.8 KPI NOT SET | 5.10% | 5.50% | 0.4% increase | |
9b | Has your Trust taken action to facilitate the voices of disabled staff in your organisation to be heard? KPI NOT SET | YES | YES | Please see metric 9b on page 12. | |
10 | Percentage difference between the organisation’s Board voting membership and its overall workforce disaggregated. | ||||
i. By Voting membership of the Board. | 0 | 1 | 1 | ||
ii. By Executive membership of the Board | 2 | 2 | No change | ||
4.Workforce Disability Equality Metrics
The WDES is a collection of 10 metrics that aim to compare the workplace and career experiences of disabled and non-disabled staff and shows percentages of increase and decrease compared with previous years.
Metric 1. Percentage of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce.
Overall Figures:
ALL STAFF 31/3/2024 | Disabled H/C | Non-Disabled H/C | Unknown H/C | Total |
AfC Bands 1-7 | 429 | 4179 | 1529 | 6137 |
AfC Bands 8-9 & VSM | 26 | 160 | 62 | 248 |
All Staff Total | 455 | 4339 | 1591 | 6385 |
As at 31 Mar 2024 | Disabled % | Non-Disabled % | Unknown/Null % |
AfC Band 2 | 4.85 | 69.90 | 25.24 |
AfC Band 3 | 8.57 | 75.73 | 15.70 |
AfC Band 4 | 6.69 | 69.13 | 24.18 |
AfC Band 5 | 6.42 | 65.88 | 27.70 |
AfC Band 6 | 6.04 | 64.19 | 29.78 |
AfC Band 7 | 7.78 | 62.44 | 29.78 |
AfC Band 8a | 13.64 | 64.55 | 21.82 |
AfC Band 8b | 9.84 | 67.21 | 22.95 |
AfC Band 8c | 5.00 | 57.50 | 37.50 |
AfC Band 8d | 0.00 | 65.00 | 35.00 |
AfC Band 9 | 16.67 | 83.33 | 0.00 |
VSM | 18.18 | 63.64 | 18.18 |
All Staff Total | 7.13% | 67.96% | 24.92% |
Overall Figures for Previous Year:
ALL STAFF 31/3/2023 | Disabled H/C | Non-Disabled H/C | Unknown H/C | Total |
AfC Bands 1-7 | 332 | 3622 | 30 | 5665 |
AfC Bands 8-9 & VSM | 16 | 134 | 59 | 209 |
All Staff Total | 348 | 3756 | 1770 | 5874 |
As at 31 Mar 2023 | Disabled % | Non-Disabled % | Unknown/Null % |
AfC Band 2 | 5.56 | 67.59 | 26.85 |
AfC Band 3 | 7.94 | 68.81 | 23.26 |
AfC Band 4 | 4.76 | 64.10 | 31.14 |
AfC Band 5 | 5.71 | 63.05 | 31.24 |
AfC Band 6 | 4.28 | 62.44 | 33.28 |
AfC Band 7 | 7.83 | 57.23 | 34.94 |
AfC Band 8a | 9.78 | 65.22 | 25.00 |
AfC Band 8b | 6.00 | 56.00 | 38.00 |
AfC Band 8c | 5.56 | 63.89 | 30.56 |
AfC Band 8d | 0.00 | 71.43 | 28.57 |
AfC Band 9 | 0.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 |
VSM | 22.22 | 55.56 | 22.22 |
All Staff Total | 5.92% | 63.94% | 30.13% |
Metric 2: Relative likelihood of non-disabled candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to disabled candidates.
Current reporting year 2023/2024 | Disabled | Non-Disabled | Unknown | Total |
Sum of Shortlisted | 510 | 3251 | 334 | 4095 |
Sum of Appointed | 118 | 782 | 136 | 1036 |
Relative likelihood of shortlisted to appointment
- Disabled: 0.23
- Non-Disabled: 0.24
Relative likelihood of Non disabled candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to Disabled candidates: 1.04 times greater
Previous reporting year 2022/2023 | Disabled | Non-Disabled | Unknown | Total |
Sum of Shortlisted | 896 | 5619 | 109 | 6624 |
Sum of Appointed | 192 | 1186 | 109 | 1487 |
Relative likelihood of shortlisted to appointment
- Disabled: 0.21
- Non-Disabled: 0.21
Relative likelihood of Non disabled candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to Disabled candidates: 0.98 times greater
We are increasing the number of trained Cultural Inclusion Ambassadors at the Trust and Cohorts underwent training in 2023 and January 2024. A further course is scheduled for April and more CIA’S are being recruited during 2024. Part of their role will be to participate in recruitment panels.
Metric 3. Relative likelihood of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff entering the formal capability process.
Current Year 2023-24 | Disabled | Non-Disabled | Unknown/Null |
All Staff | 455 | 4339 | 1591 |
ALL Capability Cases (Perf & Ill Health) | 8 | 26 | 18 |
Of which Ground of Ill Health | 3 | 12 | 12 |
Of which Grounds of Perf | 5 | 14 | 6 |
Likelihood of Disabled staff entering the capability process: 0.009890
Likelihood of non-disabled staff entering the capability process: 0.002420
Relative Likelihood of Disabled staff entering the capability process compared to non-disabled staff: 4.09
Previous Year 2022-23 | Disabled | Non-Disabled | Unknown/Null |
All Staff | 348 | 3756 | 1770 |
ALL Capability Cases (Perf & Ill Health) | 6 | 10 | 8 |
Of which Ground of Ill Health | 2 | 3 | 5 |
Of which Grounds of Perf | 4 | 7 | 3 |
Likelihood of Disabled staff entering the capability process: 0.011494
Likelihood of non-disabled staff entering the capability process: 0.001864
Relative Likelihood of Disabled staff entering the capability process compared to non-disabled staff: 17
The introduction of Cultural Ambassadors at EEAST, a review and amendment of the Trust’s disciplinary process, has introduced a pause and review step (also known as a pre-action-review-meeting (pre-arm), rather than moving straight to the formal process.
Metric 4a. Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from (i patients, ii managers or iii other colleagues). In the last 12 months.
WDES Metric | Sept 22 Disabled | Sept 23 Disabled |
4a I - Patients & Service users | 49.0% | 48.7 % |
4a II – Managers | 25.9 % | 25.2 % |
4a III – Other Colleagues | 31.1 % | 33.4 % |
Metric 4b. Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled saying that the last time they experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work, they or a colleague reported it.
- Sept 22 Disabled: 49.9%
- Sept 23 Disabled: 48.5%
There has been a slight decrease in disabled staff reporting bullying, harassment, and abuse. However, the FTSU team developed an annual engagement plan to promote the team and explain how to raise a concern. FTSU Guardians are assigned to each of our Equality networks and visit Ambulance Stations to be available to staff. An Executive communication regarding FTSU runs twice a month and the FTSU Guardian Lead attends the quarterly EDI Group meetings to provide updates and emerging themes.
Metric 5. Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff believing that the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. Reduce inequality in career progress opportunities.
- Sept 22 Disabled: 32.3%
- Sept 23 Disabled: 42.0%
We have continued to actively promote development programmes and courses widely through our internal communications platform and directly through our Disability Support Network to try and encourage participation and raise awareness e.g., 13+ delegates attended the Calibre Programme, there have been discussion about introducing interview questions to candidates ahead of interviews.
See Metric 4b for FTSU activities.
Metric 6. Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff saying that they have felt pressure from their manager to come to work, despite not feeling well enough to perform their duties.
September 2022
- Disabled: 42.3%
- Non-disabled: 31.7%
September 2023
- Disabled: 40.2%
- Non-disabled: 27.2%
Metric 7. Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff saying that they are satisfied with the extent to which their organisation values their work.
September 2022
- Disabled: 18.3%
- Non-disabled: 22.7%
September 2023
- Disabled: 23.7%
- Non-disabled: 28.2%
Metric 8. Percentage of disabled staff saying that their employer has made adequate adjustment(s) to enable them to carry out their work.
- 2022: 59.5%
- 2023: 67.4%
Over the last year a Task and Finish group was established to improve this area and to put forward recommendations after surveying staff and obtaining feedback about their experiences. A new reasonable adjustment officer has been appointed within EEAST and will support further improvements.
Metric 9a: The staff engagement score for disabled Staff, compared to non-disabled staff.
The overall engagement score for the organisation is 5.8%.
September 2022
- Disabled: 5.1%
- Non-disabled: 5.6%
September 2023
- Disabled: 5.5%
- Non-disabled: 6%
Metric 9b: Has your Trust taken action to facilitate the voices of disabled staff in your organisation to be heard?
Yes. Some examples include:
- Continuation of EEAST Disability Support Network.
- Active members of National Ambulance Disability network
- McKinsey survey commissioned last year and being repeated during 2024.
- EEAST Strategy consultation /Quarterly pulse surveys/ Exec Q&A
- Individual stories shared on EAST 24 from DSN members for Disability History month.
- 1st Ambulance trust to achieve the Bronze Dyslexia friendly quality mark.
- DSN presented paper at People Committee raising any concerns challenges at Exec level.
- EDS22 consultation (staff element). ** Metric 10: Percentage difference between the organisation’s Board voting membership and its organisation’s overall workforce, disaggregated:** i. By voting membership of the Board. ii. By Executive membership of the Board.
As at 31/3/2023 | Disabled | Non- Disabled | Unknown |
VOTING | 0 | 7 | 2 |
NON-VOTING | 2 | 4 | 2 |
EXEC | 2 | 5 | 2 |
NON-EXEC | 0 | 6 | 2 |
As at 31/3/2024 | Disabled | Non- Disabled | Unknown |
VOTING | 1 | 9 | 1 |
NON-VOTING | 2 | 5 | 2 |
EXEC | 2 | 7 | 2 |
NON-EXEC | 1 | 7 | 1 |
The trust regularly promotes the importance of staff updating their disability information on ESR.
Appendix 3: NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)
Date of report: (month/year): April 2024
Name and title of Board lead for the Workforce Disability Equality Standard: Dr Hein Scheffer Director of Strategy, Culture & Education
Name and contact details of lead manager compiling this report: Amanda Marsh EDI Manager/Lead
1. Background narrative
a. Any issues of completeness of data.
The main issue identified in completing the data analyses and report was the short timescale by NHSE. The timescales are challenging to produce and populate reports which need to be approved by the relevant committees. We have also not received the Technical Guidance or Resources as set out in correspondence in February 2024.
b. Any matters relating to reliability of comparisons with previous years.
Compared to last year, there are three specific areas that have significantly progressed upwards. The overall results are reflected in the update report, whilst the key headlines are captured in the table below.
c. Headlines from the WRES report for 2023/2024 (Table below).
The three most improved and the three most declined indicators for the last year. We have also observed a disparity between Indicator 4: Likelihood of white staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD compared to BME staff is 0.97 times greater. Very slight decrease on 2022/23.** And Indicator 7:** Percentage of staff believing the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion, significantly increased from 30.6%to 45.4% for BME staff.
*No KPI’s were set for these indicators
2. Total numbers of staff (as of 31st March 2024)
a. Employed within this organisation at the date of the report. 6385
b. Proportion of BME staff employed within this organisation at the date of the report. 5.42
c. Have any steps been taken in the last reporting period to improve the level of self-reporting by ethnicity? As at March 2024, 10.05% (642) of staff have not declared their ethnicity. This is a slight reduction on last year when 12.21% (717) of staff had not declared their ethnicity. The Trust continues to promote and encourage all our people to update their ESR with their ethnicity data.
d. Are any steps planned during the current reporting period to improve the level of self-reporting by ethnicity? The importance of accurate reporting on ethnicity through self-reporting continues to be promoted by the Trust six staff networks. A working group has been set up to focus on improving ESR updates and overall reporting and to develop guidance on how to do so.
a. What period does the organisation’s workforce data refer to? The reporting is in line with regulatory requires, for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
3. Workforce Data
WRES INDICATORS | 2022/23 Data | 2023/24 Data | Result | ||
1 | % of staff in each of the AfC bands & VSM (including executives) compared with the % of staff in the total workforce. KPI NOT SET | Bands 1-7. | 4.43% | 5.43% | Increased by 1% |
Bands 8-VSM. | 4.31% | 5.24% | Increased by 0.93% | ||
2 | Relative likelihood of white applicants being appointed from shortlisting compared to BME applicants. Objective from the Action Plan to reduce this from 2.26 times greater to 1.5 times greater. TARGET NOT MET | 2.26 times greater | 1.58 times greater | Decreased by 0.68 | |
3 | Relative likelihood of BME staff entering the formal disciplinary process compared to white staff. Objective from the Action Plan to reduce this from 0.97 times greater to 0.50 times greater. TARGET MET & EXCEED | 0.97 times greater | 0.41 times greater | Decreased by 0.56 | |
4 | Relative likelihood of white staff accessing non mandatory training and CPD compared to BME staff. Objective from the Action Plan to reduce this from 1.15 times greater to 0.95 times greater. TARGET NOT MET | 1.15 times greater | 0.97 times greater | Decreased by 0.18 | |
5 | Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives, or members of the public in the last 12 months. Objective from the Action Plan to reduce this from 36.6% to 34.3%. TARGET NOT MET | 36.60% | 35.30% | Decreased by 1.30% | |
6 | Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in the last 12 months. Objective from the Action Plan to reduce from 37.3% to 34%. TARGET MET & SLIGHTLY EXCEED | 37.30% | 33% | Decreased by 4.30% | |
7 | Percentage of staff believing that Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. NO KPI SET | 30.60% | 45.40% | Increased by 14.8% | |
8 | Percentage of BME staff experiencing discrimination at work from either Manager or team in the last 12 months. NO KPI SET | 23.90% | 16.90% | Decrease by 7% | |
9 | % difference between the organisations’ Board membership and its overall workforce disaggregated by A) voting members of the Board; and B) non-voting members of the Board. NO KPI SET | ||||
(A) Voting | 10 | 1 | 0 | No KPI was set for this indicator. | |
(B) Non-Voting | 7 | 2 | 0 | No KPI was set for this indicator. | |
Executives | 11 | 0 | 0 | No KPI was set for this indicator. | |
Non-Executives | 6 | 3 | 0 | No KPI was set for this indicator. |
4. Workforce Race Equality Indicators
The WRES is a collection of 9 metrics that aim to compare the workplace and career experiences of BME staff and shows percentages of increase and decrease is compared with previous years. In a large organisation like EEAST, a tiny increase in percentage relating to a certain metric may present challenges in the justification as the impact may be small. However, any change in data supports the Trust in ensuring it continues to work on those metrics to bring out positive change.
Indicator 1. % of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the % of staff in the overall workforce. Organisations should undertake this calculation separately for non-clinical and for clinical staff.
Overall figures:
ALL STAFF 31/3/2024 | White H/C | BAME H/C | Unknown H/C |
AfC Bands 1-7 | 84.32 | 5.43 | 10.25 |
AfC Bands 8-9 & VSM | 89.52 | 5.24 | 5.24 |
All Staff Total | 84.53 | 5.42 | 10.05 |
ALL Staff As at 31/3/24 | White H/C | BME H/C | Unknown H/C | Total | ALL Staff 31/3/24 | White % | BME % | Unknown % | |
AfC Band 2 | 77 | 11 | 15 | 103 | AfC Band 2 | 74.76 | 10.68 | 14.56 | |
AfC Band 3 | 1207 | 112 | 152 | 1471 | AfC Band 3 | 82.05 | 7.61 | 10.33 | |
AfC Band 4 | 806 | 61 | 134 | 1001 | AfC Band 4 | 80.52 | 6.09 | 13.39 | |
AfC Band 5 | 1244 | 61 | 175 | 1480 | AfC Band 5 | 84.05 | 4.12 | 11.82 | |
AfC Band 6 | 1317 | 54 | 120 | 1491 | AfC Band 6 | 88.33 | 3.62 | 8.05 | |
AfC Band 7 | 524 | 34 | 33 | 591 | AfC Band 7 | 88.66 | 5.75 | 5.58 | |
AfC Band 8a | 97 | 7 | 6 | 110 | AfC Band 8a | 88.18 | 6.36 | 5.45 | |
AfC Band 8b | 56 | 3 | 2 | 61 | AfC Band 8b | 91.8 | 4.92 | 3.28 | |
AfC Band 8c | 36 | 2 | 2 | 40 | AfC Band 8c | 90 | 5 | 5 | |
AfC Band 8d | 17 | 1 | 2 | 20 | AfC Band 8d | 85 | 5 | 10 | |
AfC Band 9 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 6 | AfC Band 9 | 83.33 | 0 | 16.67 | |
VSM | 11 | 0 | 0 | 11 | VSM | 100 | 0 | 0 | |
All Staff Total | 5397 | 346 | 642 | 6385 | All Staff Total | 84.53 | 5.42 | 10.05 |
Overall figures for previous year:
Previous reporting year (31st March 2023) | |||
All Staff As at 31 Mar 2023 | White % | BME % | Unknown% |
Bands 1-7 | 83.12 | 4.43 | 12.44 |
AfC Bands 8-9 & VSM | 89.95 | 4.31 | 5.74 |
Figures for each band:
ALL Staff As at 31/3/23 | White H/C | BME | Unknown H/C | Total | ALL Staff 31/3/23 | White % | BME % | Unknown % |
AfC Band 2 | 82 | 9 | 17 | 108 | AfC Band 2 | 75.93 | 8.33 | 15.74 |
AfC Band 3 | 974 | 86 | 187 | 1247 | AfC Band 3 | 78.11 | 6.9 | 15 |
AfC Band 4 | 841 | 38 | 171 | 1050 | AfC Band 4 | 80.1 | 3.62 | 16.29 |
AfC Band 5 | 1154 | 49 | 180 | 1383 | AfC Band 5 | 83.44 | 3.54 | 13.02 |
AfC Band 6 | 1220 | 40 | 119 | 1379 | AfC Band 6 | 88.47 | 2.9 | 8.63 |
AfC Band 7 | 438 | 29 | 31 | 498 | AfC Band 7 | 87.95 | 5.82 | 6.22 |
AfC Band 8a | 83 | 3 | 6 | 92 | AfC Band 8a | 90.22 | 3.26 | 6.52 |
AfC Band 8b | 46 | 2 | 2 | 50 | AfC Band 8b | 92 | 4 | 4 |
AfC Band 8c | 33 | 2 | 1 | 36 | AfC Band 8c | 91.67 | 5.56 | 2.78 |
AfC Band 8d | 10 | 2 | 2 | 14 | AfC Band 8d | 71.43 | 14.29 | 14.29 |
AfC Band 9 | 7 | 0 | 1 | 8 | AfC Band 9 | 87.5 | 0 | 12.5 |
VSM | 9 | 0 | 0 | 9 | VSM | 100 | 0 | 0 |
All Staff Total | 4897 | 260 | 717 | 5874 | All Staff Total | 83.37 | 4.43 | 12.21 |
Indicator 2. Relative likelihood of white applicants being appointed from shortlisting compared to BME applicants across all posts.
Current reporting year 2023/2024 | White | BME | Unknown | Total |
Sum of Shortlisted | 3282 | 518 | 295 | 4095 |
Sum of Appointed | 822 | 82 | 132 | 1036 |
Relative likelihood of shortlisted to appointment:
- White 0.25
- BME 0.16
Relative likelihood of white candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to BME. 1.58 times greater
Previous reporting year 2022/2023 | White | BME | Unknown | Total |
Sum of Shortlisted | 5240 | 1276 | 108 | 6624 |
Sum of Appointed | 1245 | 134 | 108 | 1487 |
Relative likelihood of shortlisted to appointment:
- White 0.24
- BME 0.11
Relative likelihood of white candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to BME. 2.26 times greater
Whilst the likelihood of white candidates being appointed from shorting compared to BME candidates in the last year is still higher this has reduced slightly over the last reporting year.
We are increasing the number of trained Cultural Inclusion Ambassador’s at the Trust and Cohorts underwent training in 2023 and January 2024. A further course is scheduled for April and more CIA’S are being recruited during 2024. Part of their role will be to participate in recruitment panels.
We are also looking at more targeted recruitment activities, especially in the most diverse sectors, to increase the diversity of applicants in the first instance, whilst international recruitment from Africa and Southeast Asia should also help in this regard. A Community Engagement Officer in the EDI team has now been appointed.
Indicator 3. Relative likelihood of BME staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation, compared to white staff.
Current reporting year 2023/2024 | ||||
Disciplinary Cases of staff 2023-2024 | White | BME | Unknown | Total |
154 | 4 | 25 | 183 |
Relative likelihood of staff entering formal disciplinary processes.
- White 0.03
- BME 0.01
The relative likelihood of BME staff entering formal disciplinary process compared to white staff. 0.41
Previous reporting year 2022/2023 | ||||
Disciplinary Cases of staff 2022-2023 | White | BME | Unknown | Total |
174 | 9 | 23 | 206 |
Likelihood of staff entering formal disciplinary processes.
- White 0.03
- BME 0.01
The relative likelihood of BME staff entering formal disciplinary process compared to white staff. 0.97
The introduction and deployment of Cultural Inclusion Ambassadors at EEAST, a review and amendment of the Trust’s disciplinary process, has introduced a pause and review step (also known as a pre-action-review-meeting (pre-arm), rather than moving straight to the formal process.
Indicator 4. Relative likelihood of white staff accessing non- mandatory training and CPD compared to BME staff.
2023/2024 Likelihood of staff accessing non-mandatory training & CPD:
- White 0.22
- BME 0.22
Relative likelihood of white staff accessing non- mandatory training and CPD compared to BME staff 0.97 times greater
2022/2023 Likelihood of staff accessing non-mandatory training & CPD:
- White 0.29
- BME 0.25
Relative likelihood of white staff accessing non- mandatory training and CPD compared to BME staff 1.15 times greater
Indicator 5. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives, or the public in the last 12 months.
Current reporting year 2023/2024 | Previous reporting year 2022/2023 | ||
Sept 23 BME % | Sept 23 White % | Sept 22 BME % | Sept 22 White % |
35.30% | 45.30% | 36.60% | 45.50% |
Indicator 6. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in the last 12 months.
Current reporting year 2023/2024 | Previous reporting year 2022/2023 | ||
Sept 23 BME % | Sept 23 White % | Sept 22 BME % | Sept 22 White % |
33% | 33% | 37.30% | 31.10% |
The FTSU team developed an annual engagement plan to promote the team and explain how to raise a concern. FTSU Guardians are assigned to each of our Equality networks and visit Ambulance Stations to be available to staff. An Executive communication regarding FTSU runs twice a month and the FTSU Guardian Lead attends the quarterly EDI Group meetings to provide updates and emerging themes.
Indicator 7. Percentage of staff believing that their Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion.
Current reporting year 2023/2024 | Previous reporting year 2022/2023 | ||
Sept 23 BME % | Sept 23 White % | Sept 22 BME % | Sept 22 White % |
45.4% | 38.5% | 30.6% | 38.0% |
Indicator 8. Percentage of staff personally experiencing discrimination at work in the last 12 months from any of the following: Manager/team leader or other colleagues.
Current reporting year 2023/2024 | Previous reporting year 2022/2023 | ||
Sept 23 BME % | Sept 23 White % | Sept 22 BME % | Sept 22 White % |
16.9% | 14% | 23.9% | 14.6% |
The Trust continues to promote its Speak Up, Speak Out, Stop it campaign and promotes its dedicated FTSU team. FTSU Guardians are assigned to each of our Equality networks and visit Ambulance Stations to be available to staff. An Executive communication regarding FTSU runs twice a month.
Indicator 9. Ethnicity profile of the Board. Percentage difference between (i) the organisation’s Board voting membership and its overall workforce (ii) the organisation’s Board executive membership and its overall workforce.
Current reporting year 2023/2024 | Previous reporting year 2022/2023 | ||||||
White | BME | Unknown | White | BME | Unknown | ||
Voting | 10 | 1 | 0 | Voting | 8 | 1 | 0 |
Non-Voting | 7 | 2 | 0 | Non-Voting | 7 | 1 | 0 |
Exec | 11 | 0 | 0 | Exec | 9 | 0 | 0 |
Non-Exec | 6 | 3 | 0 | Non-Exec | 6 | 2 | 0 |
It is noted that Voting numbers have increased from 9 to 11, but only report 1 BME Board member the Exec has increased from 9 to 11 but report 0 BME, Non-Exec shows a slight increase from 2 to 3.