Declarations of Interest
The board declarations of interest are reviewed annually. The next review is due to take place in April 2025.
Non-executive directors
Mrunal Sisodia
Non-Executive Director: 01.05.2020-31.05.2023
Trust Chair: from 01.06.2023
Declaration of interest:
- Chair of NHSE Parent Carer and Families Network (01.11.2022 - present)
- Board Member NHSE Children and Young People’s Board (01.11.2022 - present)
- Steering Group Member Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum (2013 - present)
- Board Member - Bedford Borough SEND Improvement Board (2016 - present)
- Spouse director - Premier League (01.01.2024 – present)
- Spouse Board Member - Kings College London (01.01.2018 - present)
Declarations made: 17.04.2024
Board term of office: 01.05.2020 - 31.05.2026
Catherine Glickman
Non-Executive Director
Declaration of interest:
- NED- Renishaw PLC (01.08.2018 - present)
- NED - The (19.07.2018 - present)
- NED - Herts for Learning Education (01.09.2018 - present)
Declarations made: 08.04.2024
Board term of office: 17.07.2023 - 16.07.2026
Chris Brook
Associate Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director from 15.01.2024
Declaration of interest:
- Employee - Kuehne Nagel (01.10.2018 - present)
Declarations made: 04.07.2023
Board term of office: 03.07.2023 - 14.01.2027
George Lynn
Non-Executive Director
Declaration of interest:
- Chair of Audit Committee & member of finance committee - Ely Cathedral (01.12.2022 - present)
- Chair of Audit Committee & Member Finance Committee and Bishops Council - Ely Diocese (01.09.2016 - present)
- Director - Crawford Lynn Limited (01.05.2007 - present)
- Governor - Steeple Morden Primary School (01.01.2023 - present)
Declarations made: 10.04.2024
Board term of office: 19.06.2023 - 18.06.2026
Julie Thallon
Non-Executive Director
Declaration of interest:
- NED - East Coast Community Health Community Interest Company (01.11.2022 - present)
- Chair and Trustee - The Patients Association (01.01.2021 - present)
Declarations made: 08.04.2024
Board term of office: 04.01.2021 - 03.12.2025
Kiran Mahil
Associate Non-Executive Director
Declaration of interest: No interests to declare
Declarations made: 10.05.2023
Board term of office: 01.04.2021 - 31.03.2027
Omid Shiraji
Associate Non-Executive Director
Declaration of interest: No interests to declare
Declarations made: 10.04.2024
Board term of office: 15.01.2024 - 14.01.2027
Victoria Corbishley
Associate Non-Executive Director
Declaration of interest:
- Substantive employment - Director of Health and Care (05.10.2020 - present)
- Trustee - Brandon Centre (02.09.2019 - 31.03.2024)
Declarations made: 22.04.2024
Board term of office: 01.02.2021 - 31.03.2027
Wendy Thomas
Non-Executive Director
Declaration of interest:
- Magistrate - North Essex - HM Courts and Tribunal Service (01.04.2005 - present)
- NED - Essex Cares (01.05.2024 - present)
Declarations made: 10.04.2024
Board term of office: 04.07.2019 - 03.07.2025
Executive directors
Tom Abell
Chief Executive Officer
Declaration of interest:
- Chair of Trustees - Aidsmap (01.01.2020 - present)
Declarations made: 08.04.2024
Board term of office: 02.08.2021-
Hein Scheffer
Director of Strategy, Culture and Education
Declaration of interest:
- African Council of Law and Religious Studies (01.07.2023 - present)
- Bohmerwalt Trust Wavelengths 106 PTY Ltd (01.07.2023 - present)
- Honorary Associate Professor of the University of East Anglia (UEA) (15.05.2024 - present)
Declarations made: 10.04.2024
Board term of office: 01.04.2022 -
Joanne Cripps
Interim Director of Corporate Affairs and Performance
Declaration of interest:
- Chair of Governors - Lime Academy Trust, Ravensbourne Special School, Romford, Essex (01.06.2023 - present)
Declarations made: 10.04.2024
Board term of office: 04.03.2024 -
Kate Vaughton
Director of Integration
Declaration of interest:
- Trustee - St Nicholas Hospice (11.10.2022 - present)
- Trustee - Abbeycroft Leisure Services (04.04.2022 - present)
Declarations made: 24.04.2024
Board term of office: 14.02.2022 -
Kevin Smith
Director of Finance
Declaration of interest:
- Partner - Administrator for Call EEAST (16.04.2016 - present)
Declarations made: 09.04.2024
Board term of office: 01.06.2014 -
Marika Stephenson
Director of People Services
Declaration of interest: No interests to declare
Declarations made: 10.04.2024
Board term of office: 01.12.2021 -
Melissa Dowdeswell
Chief of Clinical Operations
Declaration of interest: No interests to declare
Declarations made: 10.04.2024
Board term of office: 08.03.2022 -
Simon Chase
Chief Paramedic and Director of Quality
Declaration of interest: No interests to declare
Declarations made: 15.04.2024
Board term of office: 01.01.2024 -
Simon Walsh
Medical Director (interim)
Declaration of interest:
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine: Barts Health (01.10.2004 - present)
- Consultant in Pre-hospital care: Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust (02.04.2018 - present)
- Deputy Chair of UK Consultants Committee: British Medical Association (10.06.2019 - present)
Declarations made: 10.04.2024
Board term of office: 01.12.2021 -