Remuneration and Nomination Committee Assurance Report - November 2024
Meeting: Public Board
Date: 6 November 2024
Report Title: Remuneration and Nomination Committee Assurance Report
Agenda Item: PUB24/11/4.3
Committee Date: 4 September 2024
Meeting Chair: Catherine Glickman, Non-Executive Director / Committee Chair
Meeting quorate: YES
Purpose: Assurance
Recommendation: The Board is asked to receive assurance from the business discussed at the meeting and to review the matters for escalation and referral.
Link to Strategic Objective:
- Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn
Summary of Items Considered at the Meeting
Issue | Consideration | Resolution/Outcome | Assurance |
Director of Integration Secondment | An opportunity has arisen in Cambridge & Peterborough for Deputy CEO, which Kate Vaughton, currently the Director of Integration at EEAST, wishes to take up. | The Committee were supportive, given it was development and a new challenge; The details of the secondment will be worked through following the meeting. | |
Interim Executive Structure | As a result of changes in the Executive team (specifically the Director of Integration’s secondment and the Corporate Affairs vacancy from end September), a paper proposing the re-alignment of the Executive portfolios with the operating model was put to the Committee. This would also have the effect of reducing the number of directors, supporting the QCIP. It was proposed that the Director of Strategy and Transformation be responsible for Integration, Partnerships and Digital (Hubs have moved to Operations). The Governance portfolio would move to the Chief Executive/Chief Paramedic. Education would move to the Chief Paramedic. Other moves would take place in November and December. | The paper was discussed at length, with a number of points of clarification discussed; The proposal was supported at this stage; the Committee recognised that the changes were logical and ensured stability and direction as the new Chief Executive inducted himself into the organisation and made decisions about the organisational structure; Further discussions would take place once the Chief Executive had the opportunity to induct himself into EEAST and make decisions about his plans and structure. | |
Executive Director Pay Award | Notification has been received from NHS Employers that NHS Very Senior Managers should receive a pay increase of 5% with effect from 01 April 2024, and NHS Consultants 6% from the same date. The Committee were asked to approve the increases for the Executive Directors. | The Committee reviewed the impact of the awards on each of the Executive Directors and approved them. | |
Deputy CEO | Marika Stephenson, Director of People Services, was asked to step-up as Interim Deputy Chief Executive from 13 July and was the named Accountable Officer during the Interim CEO’s leave. The paper asked the Committee to formally recognise her in this role and approve the salary uplift; at a later stage, a recruitment process would be carried out in the normal way for a permanent appointment. | The Committee supported the appointment of Marika Stephenson as Interim Deputy Chief Executive and approved the salary uplift; The Committee supported the recruitment of a Deputy Chief Executive, through an open process at a later date. |