Remuneration and Nomination Committee Assurance Report - July 2024
Meeting: Public Board
Date: 10 July 2024
Report Title: Remuneration and Nomination Committee Assurance Report
Agenda Item: PUB24/07/5.3
Committee Date: 29 May 2024
Meeting Chair: Catherine Glickman, Non-Executive Director
Meeting quorate: YES
Purpose: Assurance
Recommendation: The Board is asked to receive assurance from the business discussed at the meeting and to review the matters for escalation and referral.
Link to Strategic Objective:
- Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn
Summary of Items Considered at the Meeting
Executive Team Appraisals and 2024-25 Objectives
- Consideration: Led by the CEO, the Committee discussed the appraisal outcomes for 2023-24 and proposed objectives for 2024-25.
- Resolution/Outcome: Request for more specificity on 2024-25 objectives and outcomes. QCIP should be a collective objective for the ELT.
- Assurance:
2023-24 Remuneration Report
- Consideration: The draft Remuneration Report, which would be included in the annual report and accounts, was presented and discussed.
- Resolution/Outcome: The report was approved for publication subject to confirmation of a minor point.
- Assurance:
Succession Planning
- Consideration: The CEO presented the current succession plan for the Executive Leadership team, which was discussed.
- Resolution/Outcome: The report was noted: the Committee would like to have the opportunity to meet those identified on the plan, and to look to increase the size of the talent pools.
- Assurance: Moderate
CEO Recruitment Update
- Consideration: A short update on the current status of the CEO recruitment campaign was given, including that staff had had the opportunity to contribute.
- Resolution/Outcome: Noted
- Assurance:
Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference
- Consideration: The Terms of Reference, updated for 2024-25, were reviewed.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Committee recommended the ToR to the Board for ratification.
- Assurance:
Remuneration for Acting CEO
- Consideration: A discussion took place on what the Acting CEO should receive as remuneration.
- Resolution/Outcome: An amount was agreed, subject to a discussion by the CEO and Trust Chair.
- Assurance:
Removal of Director Lease Scheme
- Consideration: A proposal to stop the current lease scheme for directors was discussed.
- Resolution/Outcome: The proposal was supported with some additional point to support equity of treatment.
- Assurance: