People Committee Assurance Report - July 2024
Meeting: Public Meeting
Date: 10 July 2024
Report Title: People Committee Assurance Report
Agenda Item: PUB24/07/5.2
Committee Date: 15 May 2024
Meeting Chair: Wendy Thomas, Non-Executive Director
Meeting Quorate: YES
Purpose: Assurance
Recommendation: The Board is asked to receive assurance from the business discussed at the meeting and to review the matters for escalation and referral.
Link to Strategic Objective:
- Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn
- Provide outstanding quality of care and performance
Summary of Items Considered at the Meeting
Culture Review of Ambulance Trusts, NHSE and “Too Hot to Handle”, Kline & Brap
Consideration: Two recent key national reports shared and recommendations discussed. Many of the recommendations are already being implemented within EEAST (cultural competency and sexual safety training, a kinder life colleague programme, changes to policy and process, speaking up initiatives and the Leadership Development Framework).
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the high level of action plans within EEAST and confirmed work was being undertaken to consolidate these (Inclusivity Plan).
Assurance: Moderate
WRES and WDES 2023-24
Consideration: The Committee noted the data that had been submitted and the highlights included more staff (67%) stating the Trust made reasonable adjustments, more disabled staff reporting that their work was valued, less BME staff reporting bullying and harassment, also less staff reported discrimination. However, still more work required to shortlist BME staff, bullying and harassment in staff with disabilities, staff without a disability are more likely to be appointed and staff with a disability are more likely to enter a formal disciplinary process.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee asked that the WRES and WDES be amalgamated with the overall inclusivity plan. This will need to be agreed by NHSE.
Assurance: Moderate
LGBT+ Network Update
Consideration: The Committee received an update from Graham Clark, the Network Chair. The group is preparing to celebrate during the Pride month of June. At the national network it was agreed that LGBT+ is now to be the recognised acronym for all activity. Work underway to become an LGBT+ accredited employer and EEAST has been put forward to host the next national network meeting.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the great work of the Network and thank Graham for his outstanding leadership.
Assurance: Substantial
BME Survey Results
Consideration: This was the report of the January 2024 survey. Overall, 93% of questions showed an improvement in scores and 78% of respondents felt that initiatives made in the last year had made a positive impact on culture. There are remaining areas of concern around micro-aggressions, equitable practices around development opportunities and lack of confidence in managers to address concerns about inappropriate behaviours.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the report, the improvements, the remaining concerns, and the proposed actions to address those concerns.
Assurance: Moderate
Gender Pay Gap 2023-24
Consideration: The gender pay gap submission for 2023-24 has been made. The gap has reduced from 11.5 to 7.4%
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted that the gap is average according to benchmarked data.
Assurance: Moderate
Ethnicity Pay Gap
Consideration: This is not a publishing requirement for the Trust but, given the history of the organisation, was made a requirement under the EDI Improvement Plan. On average, BME staff earn £16.15 for every £17.42 earned by white staff.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the report and that actions to address the gaps will be addressed in the Inclusivity Plan going forward.
Assurance: Moderate
Integrated Strategy, Culture and Education report
Consideration: The Committee received an update on appraisal and mandatory training compliance, the apprenticeship training quality (40% above the national average) meaning the Trust can train our own level 3 and 4 learners (CQC supportive of this move) Still some issues with the Driver Training Unit (186 people awaiting C1 training and 95 people needing L3CERAD) Still using external providers but should be self-sufficient by November 2024.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted that there is continued progress across a majority of the Strategy, Education and Culture focused metrics.
Assurance: Moderate
Performance and Appraisal compliance
Consideration: The Committee received an update on the progress of the improvements to be made to the appraisal process. Sadly, there has been a delay to implementing the planned digital solution. This should now be live in August 2024.
Resolution/Outcome: A moderate level of assurance can be given as there is a robust plan in place to improve the appraisal rating.
Assurance: Moderate
Integrated People Services Report
Consideration: Continued excellent progress with the people metrics. Turnover and sickness continue to reduce. 122 live ER cases but the number is reducing each month since March 2024. There has been much movement from EOC this month but 52% of those leavers were positive losses as staff transferred to Operations to commence their career progression journeys. Time to hire is now standing at seven weeks, which is a significant improvement. LoM vacancies still at 35 Trust-wide, however, individuals have development plans to enable them to gain skills necessary to apply again in the future.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the continued excellent progress across all the people focused metrics.
Assurance: Substantial
Annual Retention Report
Consideration: The report highlighted a significant drop in attrition rates from 1144 in 2022-23 to 608 in 2023-24. The profile of leavers was shifting, Band 3s remained the most likely to leave, which was a trend across the ambulance service with leavers predominantly in the 50-56 age bracket leaving to obtain a better work-life balance and work in less physical roles. There was a higher level of leavers who were working a relief rota as opposed to a fixed rota. For those resigning, pro-active conversations were being undertaken to better support individuals.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the report and requested that the ethnicity of leavers and disability status be reported next year.
Assurance: Moderate
Flexible Working
Consideration: Currently an employee must complete an HR2 form to request flexible working – 577 such requests were received in the last year. This will be moving to ESR to ensure good visibility and documentation of those declined. Flexibility was one of the most improved scores in the staff survey.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the report.
Assurance: Moderate
People Strategy
Consideration: The Committee received an update on the Strategy actions and noted eighty programmes of work across eight pillars, 46 actions had since been completed and closed. The remainder were long-term plans that would continue into years two and three of the Strategy.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the report.
Assurance: Moderate
People Committee IPR report
Consideration: The assurance report was used to triangulate the main areas of performance improvement and outstanding areas of concern as described in the papers presented to the Committee. The Committee was advised that scenarios were being assessed to implement the IPR across all the Committees at pace.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee agreed that the metrics gave great assurance but greater reporting scale was required so triangulation could be gained between People, Operational, Clinical and Financial influences and how this affected Key Performance Indicators such as patient-facing staff hours.
Assurance: Substantial
Transformation Programme Board - Highlight Report
Consideration: The Committee noted highlights from:
- Time to Lead
- Culture Programme
- People Strategy and People Services Development
- Planning and Resourcing Programme: An exceptional update was received which highlighted that Cambridge and Peterborough had gone live, and Norfolk and Waveney was on track for roll-out. Full centralised scheduling was on target for delivery by August 2024. The invest to save business plan to purchase Anaplan, the required software, is going to ELT. NHS Improvement lead support for two days per week.
There were no further issues to escalate but the Committee noted that the ability to implement digital transformation was currently a challenge (ESR is part of a national programme of development).
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted progress.
Assurance: Moderate
Board Assurance Framework
Consideration: The Committee received the BAF and noted the mitigation. The risks remain high for SR1a and SR1b. The controls are effective and we have Internal Audit reports for assurance.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee agreed to keep the current strategic risk rating at 16 for SR1a and 20 for SR1b. As there is an improving picture, the Committee felt that the risk could be considered for reduction but there needed to be an objective tool upon which to base that decision. It was agreed that risk reporting should reflect the triangulation between the goal, risk and available data which could support an objective decision about risk reduction.
Assurance: Moderate
Group Assurance Report
Consideration: A monthly Strategy, Culture and Education Programme Group had been established with NHSE representation in attendance.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the work of the sub-groups.
Assurance: Moderate