Freedom to Speak Up Report (The Guardian Service) - November 2024
Meeting: Trust Board – Public Meeting
Date: 6 November 2024
Report Title: Freedom to Speak Up Report (The Guardian Service)
Agenda Item: PUB24/11/4.1
Author: Kimberley Gillingham & Danielle Marshall, The Guardian Service
Lead Director: Neill Moloney, Chief Executive Officer
Purpose: Information noting
Link to Strategic Risk:
- SR2: If we do not deliver operational and clinical standards then there is a risk of poor patient outcomes and experience
Equality Impact Assessment: Negative impact identified:
- Disability
- Gender
- Race
Previously considered by: Not previously considered
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to inform the Board of the number of Freedom to Speak Up concerns raised via The Guardian Service.
Introduction / Background: The Guardian Service has been working in partnership with East of England Ambulance Service Trust since 05 August 2024. 13 cases were raised via The Guardian Service in August 2024.
Key Issues / Risks: None
Recommendations: Recommendations will be made within the 6-monthly and annual report.
Recommendations will be made within the 6-monthly and annual report.
The purpose of this report is to inform the Board of the number of Freedom to Speak Up concerns raised via The Guardian Service in August 2024, and any identified themes.
Executive Summary:
The full report is attached, data for October will not be available until later in November but early indications demonstrate an increasing number of contacts. The September and August data shows a gradual increase in case numbers and contacts. Following an intense engagement programme during October, a further increase is predicted for October data. The Guardians continue to visit multiple sites and attend team meetings to improve their profile including 27 site visits during the month of October.
Importantly, all the cases raised have been responded to within the agreed timescales. The main themes for cases are systems and processes, behaviour and relationships, and management issues. Given the number of process-themed cases evolving, the Chief of Staff intends to review in more depth for further discussion at the Raising Concerns Forum. Of the 26 cases reported for August and September, only 6 have been closed which is detailed in the report for a number of reasons but will be monitored.
Introduction / Background:
The Guardian Service has been working in partnership with the East of England Ambulance Service Trust since 05 August 2024.
Key Issues / Risks:
Please see report
This paper gives an overview of Freedom to Speak up concerns for the month of August through to October 2024.