Freedom to Speak Up Report (The Guardian Service) - February 2025
Meeting: Trust Board – Public Meeting
Date: 12 February 2025
Report Title: Freedom to Speak Up Report (The Guardian Service)
Agenda Item: PUB25/02/4.1
Author: Dani Marshall and Kym Gillingham, The Guardian Service
Lead Director: Neill Moloney, Chief Executive Officer
Purpose: Information noting
Link to Strategic Risk:
- SR2: If we do not deliver operational and clinical standards then there is a risk of poor patient outcomes and experience
Equality Impact Assessment: No negative impact identified.
Previously considered by: N/A
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to inform the Board of the number of Freedom to Speak Up concerns raised via The Guardian Service in the past 6-months (August 2024 to January 2025).
The Guardian Service Limited was engaged to deliver the Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) service for the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) commencing 05 August 2024 and has now been in place for six months. This report represents the first six-month review of the service.
As requested, The Guardian Service will provide a summary update to the bi-monthly Public Board of EEAST. Additionally, comprehensive six-month and annual reports will be submitted in April and November each year to align with the reporting cycle of the National Guardian’s Office.
Executive Summary:
Since 05 August 2024, a total of 87 cases have been recorded, with a noticeable increase in concerns month-on-month. It is usual for us to see a dip in the number of concerns raised during December, due to the time of year and the festive period. The constant increase can be attributed to the FTSU Guardians' Service becoming independent with staff members saying they can trust in the service more than they felt they could before.
Most of the concerns raised have been categorised under "Systems and Process," with 40 cases recorded. This is followed by "Behaviour and Relationships" (26 cases) and "Management Issues" (18 cases). These figures suggest that staff concerns predominantly relate to how processes are followed, with many of these concerns expressing a perception of unfair treatment by both colleagues and management.
The Guardians are reviewing the process cases monthly with the Chief People Officer and Chief of Staff to explore lessons learned. The recommendations in the report will be reviewed and incorporated into the actions created following the FTSU Board Development session.
There have been four patient or worker safety concerns raised and recorded as urgent (red). The Trust has been quick to respond to these concerns which were swiftly resolved.
Reflective Guide/Toolkit
The FTSU Guardians encourage EEAST to use and share the reflection and planning tool. This tool has been shared with the service’s main contact. This guide has three stages and is designed to help you identify strengths in yourself, your leadership team and your organisation. This should be used alongside Freedom to Speak Up and promoting The Guardian Service. Document to be shared with Liz Cunnell, Chief of Staff.
Review of Recruitment process
Due to the high number of concerns around recruitment, it might be useful to review the processes used to see if there are any areas of improvement. The addition of a feedback inbox so that candidates can share their experiences could also be beneficial so that staff members felt able to contribute and feel heard.
Highlighting EEAST’s Open Culture
The Guardian Service has observed in other Trusts and services that displaying posters of all ways in which staff members are able to speak up, are beneficial and are a clear way to express the Trust’s commitment to and highlight a continued open culture, offering all employees the support that the Trust has to offer.
Management Speak up/Listen up Sessions. LOM/LAM upwards
Management workshops on speaking up and listening up can be provided to support those in a management position.
The Communications team will work with and share their communications plan with the Guardians. Continue with regular conversations with the Director of Communications and engagement to keep sharing ideas on how to raise awareness of Freedom to Speak Up.
Key Issues / Risks