Freedom to Speak Up Quarterly Report - May 2024
Meeting: Public Meeting
Date: 8 May 2024
Report Title: Freedom to Speak Up Quarterly Report
Agenda Item: PUB24/05/5.3
Author: Janice Scott – Lead Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
Lead Director: Tom Abell, CEO and Executive Director for FTSU
Purpose: Information noting
Link to Care Quality Commission CQC domain:
- Caring
- Well Led
Link to Strategic Objective:
- Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn
- Be an environmentally and financially sustainable organisation
Link to Strategic Risk:
- SR1a: If we do not ensure our people are safe and their wellbeing prioritised, there is a risk that we will be unable to attract, retain and keep all our people safe and well
- SR1b: If we do not ensure our leaders are developed and equipped, there is a risk that we will not be able to change our culture, and value, support, develop and grow our people
Equality Impact Assessment:
- Disability
- Gender
- Race
Previously considered by: N/A
Recommendation: To reflect on the impact of cultural differences related to true inclusivity.
Purpose: To provide an update and assurance on the FTSU work within Quarter 4 and an annual review.
Executive Summary
- 20% increase in the number of FTSU cases for the year.
- Pattern identified with an increase in FTSU contacts for Q4 each year linked to work pressures following the Winter period, budgets and impact on service delivery and service restructures.
- Staff are utilising alternative routes to speak up through the executive leadership team.
- Bullying and harassment and inappropriate behaviours make up 31% of overall FTSU concerns for the year.
- Commitment to inclusivity is strong, this needs to correlate to stronger action.
- Lead Guardian will leave the Trust in May. Positive reflections include achievement of a range of KPI’s, the development of the Raising Concerns Forum and the wider understanding of the benefits of speaking up for a better quality of patient care and staff safety.
- Key area for action and improvement real understanding of diversity and difference and how these impact on staff satisfaction and ultimately patient care.
Speaking up and raising concerns have been at the forefront of the Trust for four years. The support and guidance offered by People Services, Strategy Culture and Education, and FTSU teams to staff involved in the Trust change programmes has provided increased opportunities and learning around a safe speaking up culture.
There are multiple work streams focussing on the culture and sub-cultures within the organisation and developing managers to support staff effectively and empathetically.
Key Issues/Risks
- A reduction in the number of Guardians to support staff to raise and resolve concerns.
- Lack of lead Guardian to provide continued strategic steer for FTSU in the Trust.
The Executive Leadership team are currently reviewing options on the FTSU team structure and provision.
The speaking up culture is improving in the Trust, more activity is required to better understand the impact of cultural values and individual difference and the impact this has on staff progression, support, management and fears of detriment.