EEAST Strategy 2025-30
Meeting: Public Trust Board
Date: 8 May 2024
Report Title: EEAST Strategy 2025-30
Agenda Item: 8.1
Author: Libby Holdcroft, Deputy Director of Strategy
Lead Director: Dr Hein Scheffer, Director of Strategy, Culture and Education
Purpose: Information noting
Link to CQC domain: Well-led
Link to Strategic Objective(s):
- Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn
- Provide outstanding quality of care and performance
- Be excellent collaborators and innovators as system partners
- Be an environmentally and financially sustainable organisation
Link to Strategic Risk: SR5: If we do not clearly define our strategic plans, we will not have the agility to deliver the suite of improvements needed
Equality Impact Assessment: No negative impact identified
Previously considered by: Executive Leadership Team and Private Board
Recommendation: The Board is asked to note:
- The programme of work being undertaken this year to develop the evolving EEAST Strategy 2025-30; and
- The engagement programme that supports the co-design of the EEAST Strategy 2025-30.
Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to:
- Provide an overview of the programme of work to develop the evolving EEAST Strategy 2025-30; and
- Share the engagement programme that supports the co-design of the EEAST Strategy 2025-30.
Executive Summary:
In 2022, the Trust undertook an exercise to rationalise the 17 strategies that existed in the organisation down to three thematic strategies – a Clinical Strategy, a People Strategy and a Sustainability Strategy. These thematic strategies would support the delivery of the Trust Strategy and set a clear direction for these three themes up to 2025.
Our current strategic framework is illustrated in the diagram below which sets out our Trust vision and strategic goals. In 2023, we published the EEAST Clinical Strategy 2023-25 and the EEAST People Strategy 2023-25. We are due to publish the EEAST Sustainability Strategy very shortly.
Following a Board decision in October 2023, the framework and programme to design and deliver the evolution of the Trust Strategy was established. The delivery of the programme is overseen by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and driven by the Strategy Development Steering Group which is comprised of Deputy Directors from across the Trust.
The first stage of the programme – a set of ‘diagnose and forecast’ activities – ran from January to March 2024. In this stage, we undertook significant analysis of our performance data as well as health projections for the region. Having concluded this stage, we are moving into our second stage – design activities to evolve our strategic direction for 2025-30 – with a very clear baseline of where we are as a Trust and what our population will need from emergency and urgent care over the coming years.
The second stage of the programme is heavily underpinned by engagement. We have started our engagement with our people via our first online conversation where we have gathered over 5000 contributions from 10.5% of our workforce. These contributions are being worked directly into the first draft of our strategic framework for 2025-30.
From May to July we will be launching further online conversations with our people, as well as delivering our patient and public engagement programme. This will take the form of:
- A patient and public online conversation to test our strategic framework with the people we serve.
- Engagement events, both online and in-person, to discuss our strategic framework and gain input from those who attend.
Similarly, this feedback will be worked directly into our developing strategic framework and will test strategic choices that determine how we deliver our service and run our organisation in the future.
Following the summer months, we will be able to share our emerging strategic direction and how we are evolving our clinical model to deliver the most effective service for our population in 2025-30, ahead of publishing our EEAST Strategy 2025-30 at the end of the year.