Charitable Funds Committee Assurance Report - May 2024
Meeting: Trust Board – Public Meeting (Corporate Trustee)
Date: 08.05.2024
Report Title: Charitable Funds Committee Assurance Report
Agenda Item: PUB24/05/
Committee Date: 17.04.2024
Meeting Chair: Chris Brook – Non-Executive Director and Committee Chair
Meeting Quorate: YES
Purpose: Assurance
Recommendation: The Board is asked to receive assurance from the business discussed at the meeting and to review the matters for escalation and referral.
Link to Strategic Objective:
- Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn
- Provide outstanding quality of care and performance
- Be excellent collaborators and innovators as system partners
- Be an environmentally and financially sustainable organisation
Summary of Items Considered at the Meeting
Charity Activity Update
Consideration: Progress continues to be made by a small team across a range of different items to support staff welfare and drive engagement.
Resolution/Outcome: The Essex Freemasons celebrate their 250th anniversary in 2026 and have sent a letter of intent to support our charity with a gift of around £100k. New campaigns will be created from the collection of a number of heart-warming stories showing why people donate. Often this is driven from excellent service received by our paramedics.
Assurance: High
NHSCT Grant Application
Consideration: A good focus on being ready for future opportunities, monitoring spend and impact on existing grants and awaiting further information on how new funds will be allocated.
Resolution/Outcome: A summary of some of the key activities include:
- Awaiting information on how the funds would be distributed from the Omaze / NHS CT Community Resilience Campaign.
- On standby for future grant applications when further clarity is provided on key opportunities
- Extension of spend for CFRs approved from NHS CT for 2024/25
- Unmet Needs proposal requires further work before an agreement can be made.
Assurance: High
Next Phase of Welfare Wagons
Consideration: The Welfare Wagons are of benefit to the people of EEAST. The team are modifying the approach and the processes to be more effective going forward.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee welcomed the fact that all six welfare wagons were now ready and available for use in each sector, supported with a new booking process. As the initiative tests and trials what works best for staff, there have been some issues and lessons learnt along the way. The committee noted these and the steps that are being taken to tweak approaches to ensure they are utilised regularly in each sector. The Welfare Wagons have been mobilised to support colleagues following a sudden death; to support at acute sites; to support time to lead and HR clinics; and other events.
Assurance: High
Communications and Engagement
Consideration: Reviewed the communications and engagement progress being made by the team.
Resolution/Outcome: The communications team is close to finalising the annual plan for 2024/25. With the launch of the new Trust website in April, it is hoped that greater coverage of news stories can be promoted through that channel as well as on social media.
Assurance: High
Charity Finance Update Report
Consideration: The Committee was updated on the monitoring and management of the charitable funds.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee welcomed the close management of the accounts and spend was in line with expectations.
Assurance: High
BB Legacy
Consideration: The Committee agreed to sell the property.
Resolution/Outcome: The Committee discussed the pros and cons of retaining or selling the property. Whilst the Trust had shown some desire to develop the property, there was no clear plan forming with a budget associated. Overall, it was agreed that selling the property was the best way forward. The property has recently received some funding to ensure that it is in good order and secure.
Assurance: High
Matters for escalation or referral
Stars of EEAST / Recognition Events
To: Board Reason: Communications team will report back to Board to assess recognition budget spend from the Trust.