Recent research studies
A summary of recent research studies.
The EEAST feasibility study, KARMA2, evaluated the use of blood ketone meters by ambulance clinicians to determine whether could reliably and safely identify diabetic ketoacidosis and start fluid therapy, and determine whether a full-scale clinical trial is warranted.
The findings have now been published in Diabetic Medicine: KARMA2
The key aims of the CESSATION study were to identify current menopause guidance, policies and support offered by UK ambulance services; understand work and personal impacts of the menopause on female ambulance staff and their managers; and identify service developments that may best support female ambulance staff during this life phase.
Two CESSATION papers have now been published: CESSATION - Interviews, CESSATION - National Survey.
The STRETCHED research study (STRategies to manage Emergency ambulance Telephone Callers with sustained High needs) evaluated the care given to people who make high use of emergency ambulance services.
The findings of STRETCHED have now been published: STRETCHED
The aims of the TRIM study were to describe volume and pattern of calls to emergency ambulance services, proportion of calls where an ambulance was dispatched, proportion conveyed to hospital, and features of triage used during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.
The first findings of this study can be found: TRIM