Pressure sores
You said, we did - Pressure sores (PE - 43195)
You Said
A non-mobile patient was transported to hospital but due to sever hospital pressures, the patient had to wait in the back of the ambulance for a considera- ble length of time. Due to the long wait in the back of the ambulance the pa- tient had soiled themselves and developed pressure sores.
We Did
The investigation highlighted the crew had informed the hospital staff that they had a non-mobile patient who had soiled themselves although they were not aware of the extent of the situation.
Following a reflection of this situation the crews have recognised that they could have communicated better with the hospital staff and asked for an area to be provided for patient personal care even when they hospital is under extreme pressures.
By the hospital providing ambulance staff a suitable area to clean patients, this would prevent unnecessary skin sores and improve skin integrity for patients who are lying on stretchers for long periods of time.
What This Means
- Promoting better communication between crews and hospitals for patients personal care.
- Information on pressure skin sores and skin integrity has been sent out to all staff to promote learning and to prevent pressure sores and skin integrity for our patients.
- The crews have reflected on this incident and have learnt they can request an area at the hospital to provide personal care for non mobile patients whilst waiting to be handed over to the hospital.
- Article to be featured in October’s Safety Matters newsletter highlighting patient safety with delayed hospital handovers.