Equality delivery system 22
The equality delivery system 22 report for EEAST, supporting NHS organisations to improve services and work environments for local communities.
Section 1: Equality delivery system 22 (EDS22) action plan April 2023 / March 2026
Version: January 2024
Key themes: EDS22 objectives and actions are presented under the following four Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Inclusivity Plan thematic areas:
1. Inclusive by design
Making East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) safe for all our staff by actively encouraging diversity in thought, skill and knowledge
2. Employer of choice
Building a recruitment brand that promotes EEAST as an inclusive employer.
3. Supporting community
Developing community partnerships to build our external network of trusted advocates, supporters and future employees.
4. Building careers
Developing career pathways for all our people to support retention, social mobility and individual growth.
Our commitment
A culture of equality, diversity, and inclusivity at EEAST, is influenced by all the people at EEAST. Each member of staff has a role to play in making EEAST a better, safer, and more inclusive workplace for all. As part of our values, we are committed to support our workforce that’s more representative of our communities that we serve, and a workplace that creates a sense of belonging for everyone. EEAST is committed to tackling and preventing discrimination, valuing diversity, and achieving equality of opportunity for all! EDI team edi@eastamb.nhs.uk
Section 2: Monitoring and evaluation
The Trust and the identified leads will adopt this action plan as a basis for their work programme and will play a key role in monitoring and influencing the actions going forward. The key stakeholders and leads will work closely with the equality, diversity and inclusion team and will attend the EDI inclusivity plan meetings where regular updates on the action plan will be provided. Key updates and assurance will also be provided to the Trust board on an annual basis and through the People Committee and quarterly EDI group meetings.
EDS22 covers three domains with sub-questions associated to the Framework. Each domain has been aligned with the Trust's Inclusivity Plan and NHS England (NHSE) Long Term Plan.
Domain 1
- Commissioned or provided service
- Four sub-questions
- Theme 3
- Chapter 1, 2, and 3
Domain 2
- Workforce health and wellbeing
- Four sub questions
- Themes 1 and 2
- Chapter 4
Domain 3
- Inclusive leadership
- Three sub questions
- Theme 2 and 4
- Chapter 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
The EDI team monitor InPhase on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis to play a key role in monitoring and engaging and encouraging our stakeholders (action owners) to provide quarterly updates for inputting on InPhase.
Trust reporting
The NHS report, and action plan requires approval from the People Committee and Board prior to our submission to NHS England on 29th February 2024.
For 2023 EDI reporting timeline for EDS22 is:
- People committee 22 November 2023
- Trust board 13 December 2023
Action plans are produced to support the Trust to move to the next level and is part of the EEAST EDI Three Year Inclusivity Plan.
Section 3: EDS22 monitoring, reporting, and rating
EDS22 is aligned with the NHSE Long Term Plan - NHS England » Equality Delivery System 2022
EDS22 covers three domains with sub-questions associated to the Framework.
Quarterly updates are required on InPhase by action owners to provide a progress report of the previous quarter, including self rating, evidence, narrative, gaps in assurance, case studies.
Quarterly dates are:
- Quarter: 1 April-June
- Quarter 2: July-September
- Quarter 3: October to December
- Quarter 4: January to March
Annual update is required by NHS England on 28th February every year. They have to be supported by stakeholder consultation events and grading.
Annual community consultations are completed between May – July as per suggested EDI timeline.
EDS22 has its own rating system for each quarter and during annual community consultations.
- Under developing: Total score 0
- Developing: Total score 1
- Achieving: Total score 2
- Excelling: Total score 3
Section 4: EDS22 Action plans for each domain
Tables for each domain provides an overview of the actions identified for this year’s action plan and demonstrates how these actions align to the inclusivity plan and NHSE Long Term Plan.
Domain 1: Commissioned or provided services
Inclusivity plan: Theme 3 - Supporting community, developing community: Partnerships to build our external network of trusted advocates, supporters, and future employees.
NHSE long term plan: Chapter 1: A new service for model for the 21st century.
Chapter 2: More NHS action on prevention and health inequalities.
Chapter 3: Further progress on care quality and outcomes.
- Outcome: Patients (service users) have required levels of access to the service.
- Objective NHS and internal KPIs: To increase the KPI percentage from developing 50% to achieving 75% (NHS target).
- Action: Demonstrate that the organisation has identified barriers to accessing services (information from patient/user group surveys).
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Patient experience.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1.
- Current quarter status: In progress.
- Outcome: Individual patients (service users) health needs are met.
- Objective NHS and internal KPIs: To increase the KPI percentage from developing 50% to achieving 75% (internal target). As per 1A guidelines.
- Action: EEAST continue to engage with patients at higher risk due to a protected characteristic needs are met in a way that works for them (information from patient/user group surveys).
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Patient experience.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1.
- Current quarter status: In progress.
- Outcome: When patients (service users) use the service, they are free from harm.
- Objective NHS and internal KPIs: To increase the KPI percentage from developing 50% to achieving 75% (internal target). As per 1A guidelines.
- Action: The organisation encourages an improvement culture giving consideration to equality and health inequality. Supported by health and safety reports and assurance. (information from patient/user group surveys).
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Patient experience.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1.
- Current quarter status: In progress.
- Outcome: Patients (service users) report positive experiences of the service.
- Objective NHS and internal KPIs: To increase the KPI percentage from achieving 75% to excelling 98% (internal target). As per 1A guidelines.
- Action: The organisation actively engages with patients with protected characteristics and other groups at risk of health inequalities about their experience of the service (information from patient/user group surveys).
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Patient experience
- EDS current rating: Achieving |Total score 2.
- Current quarter status: In progress.
Domain 2: Workforce health and wellbeing
Inclusivity plan: Theme 1 - Inclusive by design: Making EEAST safe for all our staff by actively encouraging diversity in thought, skill, and knowledge.
Theme 2 - Employer of choice: Building a recruitment brand that promotes EEAST as an inclusive employer.
NHSE long term plan: Chapter 4: NHS staff will get the backing they need.
- Outcome: When at work, staff are provided with support to manage obesity, diabetes, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and mental health conditions.
- Objective NHS and internal KPIs: To increase the KPI percentage from developing 50% to achieving 70% (internal target). As per 2D guidelines.
- Action: The organisation monitors the health of staff with protected characteristics. The organisation promotes self-management of conditions to all staff
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Health and wellbeing, staff networks, staff surveys.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1.
- **Current quarter status: ** In progress.
- Outcome: When at work, staff are free from abuse, harassment, bullying and physical violence from any source.
- Objective NHS and internal KPIs: To increase the KPI percentage from developing 50% to achieving 70% (internal target). As per 2D guidelines.
- Action: The organisation has a zero-tolerance policy for verbal and physical abuse towards staff. The organisation penalises staff who abuse, harass, or bully other members of staff and takes action to address and prevent bullying behaviour and closed cultures, recognising the link between staff and patient experience.
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Patient safety, strategy, culture and education, staff networks, staff surveys.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1.
- Current quarter status: In progress.
- Outcome: Staff have access to independent support and advice when suffering from stress, abuse, bullying harassment and physical violence from any source.
- Objective NHS and internal KPIs: To increase the KPI percentage from 50% developing to 70% achieving to excelling 85% (internal target). As per 2D guidelines.
- Action: The organisation facilitates pooling union representatives with partner organisations, to encourage independence and impartiality.
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) and strategy, culture and education.
- EDS current rating: Achieving | Total score 2.
- Current quarter status: In progress.
- Outcome: Staff recommend the organisation as a place to work and receive treatment.
- Objective NHS and internal KPIs: To increase the KPI percentage from 70% developing to achieving 85% (NHS target).
- Action: The organisation uses sickness and absence data to retains staff. The organisation uses data from end of employment exit interviews to make improvements. The organisation collates and compares the experiences of black, asian and minority ethnic (BAME), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) and disabled staff against other staff members, and acts upon the data.
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Strategy, culture and education.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1.
- Current quarter status: In progress.
Domain 3: Inclusive leadership
Inclusivity plan: Theme 2 - Employer of choice: Building a recruitment brand that promotes EEAST as an inclusive employer.
Theme 4 - Building careers: Developing career pathways for all our people to support retention, social mobility, and individual growth.
NHSE long term plan: Chapter 1: A new service for model for the 21st Century.
Chapter 2: More NHS action on prevention and health inequalities.
Chapter 3: Further progress on care quality and outcomes.
Chapter4: NHS staff will get the backing they need.
Chapter 5: Digitally enabled care will go mainstream across the NHS.
Chapter 6: Taxpayers investment will be used to the maximum effect.
- Outcome: Board members, system leaders (Band 9 and very senior managers (VSM) and those with line management responsibilities routinely demonstrate their understanding of, and commitment to, equality and health inequalities.
- Objectives and internal KPIs: Equalities and health inequalities to be a regular standing item on every committee/Board agenda. Increase equalities and health. Increase equalities from 50% to 70% (internal target).
- Action: Board members and senior leaders demonstrate their commitment to both equality and health inequalities. These are featured as a standing agenda items at Board and committee meetings.
Board members hold services to account, allocate resources, and raise issues relating to equality and health inequalities on a regular basis. Board members and senior leaders engage in religious, cultural, or local events and/or celebrations.
This links in with NHS EDI Improvement Plan - High Impact Action 1.
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Governance, EEAST and national networks, through the EDI team. Strategy, culture and education.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1.
- Current quarter status: Not started.
- Outcome: Board/committee papers (including minutes) identify equality and health inequalities related impacts and risks and how they will be mitigated and managed.
- Objectives and internal KPIs: Board members and senior leaders understand the importance of equality and health inequalities impact assessments. Increase equalities and health inequalities from 50% to 70% (internal target).
- Action: Equality and health inequalities impact assessments are completed for all projects and policies and are signed off at the appropriate level where required.
Risk assessments are completed for all staff from protected characteristics.
Required actions and interventions are measured and monitored.
This links in with NHS EDI Improvement Plan – High Impact Action 4 applies.
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Governance, EEAST and national networks, through the EDI team. Strategy, culture and education.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1.
- Current quarter status: Not started.
- Outcome: Board members and system leaders (Band 9 and VSM) ensure levers are in place to manage performance and monitor progress with staff and patients.
- Objectives and internal KPIs: Board members, system and leaders show competency in implementing and monitoring equality standards.
Increase equalities and health inequalities from 50% to 70% (internal target).
- Action: Board members and senior leaders ensure the implementation and monitoring of Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) (including Model Employer), Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES), impact assessments, Gender Pay Gap reporting, Accessible Information Standard, end of employment exit interviews, Patient and carer race equality framework (PCREF) (Mental Health), EDS 2022.
- Completion date: 31 March 2026.
- Action owners: Governance, EEAST and national networks, through the EDI team. Strategy, culture and education.
- EDS current rating: Developing | Total score 1
- Current quarter status: Not started.
Section 5: Appendix
Acronym meaning
- KPI: Key Performance Indicator
- NHS Target: Targets set by NHS
- Internal Target: Internal Targets set by Trust
- PCREF: Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework